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Principal of Function

​Light, coming from the Sun is powerful within the visible spectrum but as well in the invisible spectrum (UV & IR). Life on Earth, the weather and many more things are solely fueled by the very same power-source.

Using Solar energy to heat water is not new and has been used for centuries. Who hasn't experienced the hot water coming out of a coiled-up water-hose placed in sunlight for a couple of hours?

In earlier days, Solar water-heaters have been black plastic tubes, arranged in mats and placed on a roof.

They have been used mostly for swimming pool heating but have proven not very effective.

Modern technology and manufacturing methods have changed all that. Instead of black plastic tubes, glass-tubes are used. And not just regular glass tubes. The collector tubes of the EcuaSolar system are special vacuum glass tubes. Essentially this a glass-tube inside another glass-tube. The air between these tubes is (almost) completely  removed and an (almost) vacuum is created. 

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